Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records Museum is located a block from Casino Niagara. Discover the tallest, shortest, heaviest, fastest, loudest and richest. Check out 'The Kugel', a 10,000 lb. granite ball that you can turn with one hand as it floats on water.

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There are thousands of amazing facts and feats in the popular museum that brings the television show and the world famous Guinness Book of Records to life. They do it with video, computers, inter-active games, life sized models and props.

Get you picture taken with the world's fattest or tallest man.


4943 Clifton Hill (at Falls Avenue)
Niagara Falls, Ontario
L2G 3N5
(905) 356-2299
Fax 1 905 356-8614


June - Aug 9am - 2am daily
Sept - Nov 10am - 10pm daily
Dec - March 10 am - 8pm daily
April - May 9am -midnight daily
Wheelchair access


Adults: $13.99 +Tax

Senior/Student: $11.99 + Tax 

Child: $8.99 + Tax

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